Course curriculum

    1. Do you suffer from...?

    2. Congratulations on choosing you!

    3. Testimonials

    4. Shanti's Mircobiome Presentation -- the Hows and Whys -- live from Golden Bay, NZ

    5. Tracking Progress - Take the Pre-Protocol Quiz

    6. Pre-Protocol Quiz

    7. Supplement price list

    1. WEEK 1 Video - It's a Gut Feeling - self love

    2. WEEK 1 -- It's a Gut Feeling- self love

    3. Guide and Journal Video -- Breaking it down


    5. Phase 1 Foods List

    6. Love Your Guts Journal

    7. Phase 1 Recipe Book

    8. Microbiome Superfoods

    9. Probiotic and Prebiotic rich foods

    10. Anti-inflammatory foods

    11. Yoga Pose - Warrior 1

    12. Yoga Pose - Cobra

    13. Yoga Pose - Paschimottanasana Forward Bend

    14. Yoga Pose - Squat

    1. Week 2 Video - Gut Movements

    2. Week 2 -- Gut Movements

    3. Yoga Pose -- Goddess

    4. Yoga Pose -- Butterfly

    5. Yoga Pose -- Pigeon

    6. Yoga Pose -- Warrior 2

    7. Yoga Pose -- Lizard

    1. Week 3 Video -- Listen to your Gut

    2. Week 3 -- Listen to your Gut - Intuition

    3. 13 Top Tips for better digestion

    4. Yoga Pose - Reclined Twist

    5. Yoga Pose - Seated Twist

    6. Yoga Pose - Chair

    1. Week 4 Video - Love your Guts

    2. Week 4 -- Love your Guts - rest

    3. Phase 2 & 3 Forever Foods

    4. Phase 2 & 3 Recipe Book

    5. Yoga Pose - Humble Warrrior

    6. Yoga Pose - Warrior 3

    7. Yoga Pose - Camel

    8. Yoga Pose - Supported Fish

    9. Yoga Pose - Supported Fish Variation

    10. Yoga Pose - Locust Interlace

    1. Week 5 Video -- What is your gut telling you?

    2. Week 5 -- What is your gut telling you? - Observe

    3. Yoga Pose - Side Bends Half Moon

    4. Yoga Pose - Camel

    5. Yoga Pose - Shoulder Stand

    6. Yoga Pose - Fish

    7. Half Butterfly Sidebends

About this course

  • $188.00
  • 60 lessons
  • 8 Weeks to the NEW YOU
  • 2 full-color Recipe Books
  • 54-page Easy to Follow Guide

Why is this for me?

How working with the Microbiome can transform your life

Repair, Revive, and Restore your Health by Loving your Guts

What's inside...

This course is delightfully jam-packed with colourful recipe books, guides, journals, yoga poses/videos, high quality downloadable images and graphics, and all the info you need to THRIVE...

  • 8 Transformative weeks of Restoring your Microbiome -- Start whenever it suits you best

  • 54-page Guide which sets out Phase 1, 2, & 3 over the 8 weeks

  • Each week has a theme, yoga poses, and points to contemplate and make notes in your customized journal . Dive as deeply as you choose.

  • Love your Guts Journal to track your progress and a Pre and Post-Protocol quiz

  • Inspiring weekly videos

  • Dozens of yoga poses and videos to get the body moving

  • Phase 1 Recipe Book with 45 amazingly delicious meals to get you through the first 3 weeks

  • Phase 2 & 3 Recipe Book with 30+ inspirational menu items to keep you going

  • Downloadable Food Lists for Phase 1, 2 and 3

  • Downloadable infographics: Microbiome SuperFOODs, Super Spices, Super Herbs, Super Drinks, Anti-Inflammatory foods, Pre and Pro-biotic foods, and 13 Top Tips for Better Digestion

You are worth it!

Give yourself this gift of good health

Start your Transformation TODAY!

Get started now on this exclusive offer

The proof is in the they say...


“Life-changing. I did the Microbiome Renewal Protocol with Shanti, completely changing my relationship with food. Gut health is one of the core aspects of my well-being, and now that I’ve experienced it, I won’t go back because I feel so good! I look around at people who aren’t using the protocol and are experiencing health problems, and I think, ‘try the protocol!’ I’m not stiff anymore, and I feel very tuned into my body. Also, when I’m dosing up on probiotics (e.g. sauerkraut, which I used to fear), I notice my appetite lessons as I’m filled up nutritionally.”

Charlotte Squire

“I found the protocol very easy to follow and do. It was great to become familiar with more food substitutes for cow dairy, like coconut milk and sheep yoghurt. I loved the increase of lentils in my diet, and the seed crackers are a revelation! I am more aware of fermented food, and I intend to apply more cultured food to my diet and have minimum gluten and sugar as possible. I’ll keep eating with a gut health awareness. The outcomes are that I have no pollen, hay fever, and no itchy arms. I lost about 9cm of waistline and probably about 4kg, so I feel I’m back to my ideal weight. It was good to break from drinking wine; it contributed to my energy level. I sleep well and wake up at the first light, feeling ready for the day—perfect timing as my days are super duper busy. Thanks for your wisdom and support.”

Galit Maxwell

“I was pretty healthy and happy but realised I wasn't thriving. Shanti introduced me to the Microbiome Renewal Protocol and guided me through the approach based on where I was physically and mentally. I am vegan, so Shanti worked with my requirements of only plant-based foods, herbs and some supplements. It was surprisingly easy to adjust my food intake to heal and support my microbiome. It kicked off an unexpected journey of deep healing on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I realise now that I accepted some physical and mental challenges as 'normal', but they have disappeared. Within four weeks, my outlook on life and my health changed. I feel completely transformed and ten years younger. This is only the beginning. This isn't temporary. This is a life change. ”

Martine Baanvinger

“The improvement in my health is amazing! Going from extreme pain in my left shoulder and chest for the last three years, not knowing what from physio, doctors and osteopaths - no answers. But as my microbiome healed and I made the correct food choices (the pain has mostly gone) guided by you, Shanti, it is what I needed. You are so knowledgeable and grounded. I have and continue to keep the permanent life food choices. Losing weight was a bonus that I thought wasn't important but realised it was.”

Carrie Dobbs

“I did the Microbiome Renewal Protocol with Shanti last year, and it has been life-changing for me. I have dropped 10kg, and my energy levels are great. I love the protocol structure and the flexibility within the structure. Shanti's knowledge and support through the process are fantastic. I highly recommend the Microbiome Renewal Protocol with Shanti for anyone looking to re-create their relationship with food. Viva la microbiome!”

John Black

“I have decided to do Shanti’s Microbiome Renewal Protocol diet again this winter. I felt so good after doing it last year. I have kept the 10 kgs off even without effort. For example, Xmas was naughty. I know my food fetishes have shifted. Although not perfect, I figure I will get better and better each year, especially with Shanti’s help.”

Christine Carter

“The Microbiome Renewal Protocol has been a dynamic and highly beneficial experience. It has been six months since a small group of us started the programme, which involved changing what we ate and how we approached nourishing ourselves, including mindfulness, journaling, yoga, and sharing food preparation and experiences. I'm still marvelling at the transformation in myself, which is both subtle and profound. Any change that is noticed on the outside has come from within. I'm no longer led by my emotions towards overeating or eating for comfort. The difference feels lasting too. Even though I've never been on any kind of diet before, I have heard reports that dieting (often for weight loss) can quickly 'fail' to return to old habits. I undertook the protocol for overall health and well-being, knowing that weight and fluid loss (due to a reduction of low-grade inflammation) would likely be one of the benefits. I no longer yawn throughout the day (unless I'm seriously lacking sleep), and my energy levels generally feel boundless. I found Shanti's personal yet professional approach to be the perfect balance of providing clear individual guidance and support while remaining open and flexible to the overall needs of our group. I also appreciated her experience, having tried and tested the protocol herself. Her ability to maintain a consistent tone of sincereness, kindness and humour, coupled with a much-needed championing spirit, helped me stick with the plan and find the 'I can do this’ attitude when the going got tough. I liken the programme to taking an ocean voyage - where the days are not all calm waters and clear skies - however, riding out the odd rough sea of emotional food cravings is more than worth the arrival in paradise. With Shanti at the helm, I strongly recommend jumping aboard and sailing this journey of discovery for your well-being.”

Rae McDowell

“My family (5 people) and I went through Shanti’s Microbiome Renewal Protocol together. I cannot fully express how grateful I am for this experience. Not only was the food delicious, but it also revolutionised our health. I’d been suffering headaches for many years, and these have since disappeared, my daughters’ stomach issues went away, and my wife lost some stubborn weight. The diet is now a regular part of our lives. Shanti provided such good service throughout the process. It makes a difference dealing with someone who lives what they are offering.”

David Bott

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Your Instructor, Guide, & Love your Guts Mentor

Shanti Smith

Naturopath, Herbalist, Reflexologist, Colon Hydrotherapist, Iridologist, Nature lover, and Passionate Educator

I studied in Boulder, Colorado under Farida Sharan ND at the School of Natural Medicine, at the Feet First School of Reflexology, and with James Allred & Madeline Angelus at the School of Advanced Colonic Techniques. I am blessed to have been living and practicing in Golden Bay, New Zealand for almost 20 years now. I offer a holistic approach to health and well-being, treating the causes of dis-ease and imbalance. Over 25 years ago, I came to the realisation that the majority of the "food" on the supermarket shelves is actually completely inedible. It is more like a slow poison than true nourishment. I had what you might call a "light bulb" moment. I knew that it would become my life's work to help others to make these same discoveries: to learn about their bodies, what food/lifestyle choices may work best for them, and discover how to follow natural principles of health and healing. In a nutshell, how to use nature cure and healthy foods/herbs to live in alignment with themselves. Since then, I have been working to educate and empower people about the benefits of healthy living & eating and how our emotional states influence our physical bodies. Working with the microbiome is by far the most effective and simplest way to enhance and improve our overall health and wellbeing. These trillions of bacteria outnumber our human cells by 10 to 1! Getting these "good guys" working for us and riding our bodies of the "bad guys" has become my life's mission. My outlook onto health and wellbeing begins with purification and then rejuvenation of the body’s systems. I believe that we are all our own greatest healers and if we tap into the right tools and get the microbiome in flourishing order, we can become full power humans. I encourage and inspire this positivity within you. By repairing the gut and rebuilding the microbiome, I have witnessed first-hand how people achieve their highest potential in health and heal from long-standing issues. I firmly believe in PREVENTION OVER CURE. "Health is our Greatest Wealth" Join us on this journey back to thriving health by working with your microbiome! YOU GOT THIS!

If you need more information about the hows and whys